
  • 1935年9月:成立学院(太平洋圣经学院)的议案获得通过。. 早在20世纪20年代,博伊西就有过建立这所学院的先例.
  • 1936年1月为学院购买了位于华盛顿州斯波坎市的房产,并讨论了课程设置.
  • 1937年2月9日校董会投票决定将该学院合并.
  • 1937年10月5日华盛顿州斯波坎市的太平洋圣经学院外围博彩平台上课.
  • In 1939, the first graduating class consisted of two women who received the Christian Education certificate.


  • 1940波特兰房产,售价14000美元. 伟大的故事:请. 吉列姆曾经问过. 灰色的 why he didn’t buy more land when they bought the original property when it was available and cheaper; Dr. 格雷转述道:“我们买下教堂时,把它从一个边境摇到了另一个边境. 我再也不能要求更多了.”
  • 1940太平洋圣经学院从斯波坎迁到波特兰. 最初购买的是现在15英亩校园中的两英亩, 在他泊山的南边. 由于搬迁,学院在1940年秋季开放得有点晚.
  • 1940原学院大楼, 就在现在的施莱特教堂所在的地方, 被称为老缅因. 这座巨大的白色建筑在学院买下它之前是一个疗养院. 直到珍珠刘易斯大厦(现为A.F. 格雷厅)建成, 老美因是整个校园:办公室, 教室, 宿舍, 图书馆, chapel; the lowest level was cafeteria, SUB, 还有音乐练习室, 哪些是有衬垫的牢房.
  • 1947:太平洋圣经学院第二座建筑:珍珠刘易斯大楼(现为A.F. 灰色大厅). 这座建筑最初是用作女宿舍的, 最初可容纳84名妇女和一名护士长. The Pearl Lewis Building also housed an old-style switchboard—the last surviving true switchboard in Portland. A.F. 格雷的地下室在2008年之前一直被用作自助餐厅.


  • 1952学院举行了第一次唱诗班巡回演出. 合唱团冒险乘坐一辆修复过的校车去了印第安纳州的安德森.
  • 1955:中国人民银行第一次收获大会. Church of God congregations from Oregon and Washington gather to donate food to PBC students. 捐赠的食品总计超过15吨,价值3000美元(相当于今天的美元)。. 由于食物是专门的,学院会开一个酒吧来庆祝. 在体育馆附近挖了一个大洞,烤了一块牛肉. 一位名叫L的退休牧师. T. 弗林特和他的妻子海伦是厨师. Following the bar-b-que, there was a program featuring the choir under the direction of Dr. 赛克斯.
  • 1956年8月4日男子宿舍的挖掘工作从中国人民银行外围博彩平台. 新大厅是在收获节期间专用的.
  • 1956: PBC increases diversity “26 states and 6 countries represented at Pacific Bible College,据华纳世界新闻报道.
  • 1956年11月:人民银行建造了一座15×60脚踏食品储存库,并配备了步入式冰箱, 将食物储存的总长度增加到100英尺.
  • 1957年7月1日: Milo Chapman becomes College president after the surprise retirement of PBC’s first president, Dr. A.F. 灰色的. 在为学院服务了20年之后. 在传教士理事会的要求下,葛雷搬到非洲住了一年.
  • 1958年3月体育馆外围博彩平台施工. The $250,000 construction project was largely sponsored by the Church of God Ministries.
  • In 1959学院更名为外围博彩平台学院.


  • 1961年12月: Warner Pacific College was accredited by the Northwest Association of secondary and higher schools.
  • 1961: Warner Pacific Joins NAIA: Through the direction of the administration and the agreement with the athletic department program, membership was applied for and received in the National Association of Intercollegiate 体育运动. The purpose of the NAIA is to champion the cause and promote the interest of the college of moderate enrollment and establish sound physical education philosophy and program. The NAIA is an active national organization which also sets rules and standards by which competition and solutions to vital athletic problems are regulated. Basic to the NAIA Program is the premise that athletics must be an integral part of the overall educational process, 并且必须对这一进程作出有意义的贡献.
  • 1962路易斯·F. 高夫成为外围博彩平台学院的校长,一直担任到1966年.
  • 1963年3月1日: N. 珀尔·刘易斯被聘为WPC的第一位图书管理员. 刘易斯小姐在明尼苏达州出生和长大,她的父亲在她很小的时候就去世了, so her mother taught school and made a living for her children; two girls and a boy. 她在学校教书,退休后领取养老金. She took her money and went to Anderson College-she then served as a minister in Montana for several years. 她回到明尼苏达州的伯莎,担任助理牧师直到1940年. 随后,刘易斯小姐应邀来到外围博彩平台学院. A.F灰色. 她是以英语老师的身份来的,但当她看到图书馆的需求时,她问了布朗博士. 格雷,请她监督手术. Dr. 格雷欣然同意了. 经过多年的希望和祈祷,新图书馆的工程外围博彩平台了. 奥托F. 林恩图书馆于1954年秋天完工并准备使用. 学生们把书从Old Main搬到了奥托F. Linn 图书馆 by passing stacks of books from person to person as they stood shoulder to shoulder in a line from Old Main to the 图书馆. 1954年11月24日,N. Pearl Lewis saw her dream of an expanded and an adequate 图书馆 which the future students of Warner Pacific College would be able to utilize at its fullest extent. 小姐. Lewis’ service to the 图书馆 and college was recognized in the naming of the Women’s dorms in her honor according to Warner World 新闻.
  • 1964在东南68街和Division街建立了一个新的标志.
  • 1964年11月29日至12月2日条件是在一九六六年再进行一次高级鉴定. In the fall of 1961 WPC was granted its first accreditation for two years on the provision that progress will be made in certain areas of need and that an annual report would be filed. In 1963 this same standing was extended with an additional year with a request that a self-evaluation studies submitted in August of 1964 prior to a campus visitation by the Evaluation Committee of the Association (ECA). A committee member reviewed their findings with the Administration and Division Heads and commended highly the progress made since the last evaluation by the ECA. 他们特别注意到教职员工和学生的高昂士气, 改善后的设施, 图书馆藏书的增加, 近年来,学术项目的扩大和预算收入的增加. 一般, the committee was pleased with the progress of the college and expressed a desire to give assistance to where possible in our future growth and development. The action taken by the Northwest Association marks a significant milestone in the history if Warner Pacific College.
  • 1964年12月7日外围博彩平台获得全面认证. Warner Pacific College recently achieved full accreditation by the action of the Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher schools at the annual meeting of the Association held in Portland, OR.
  • 1965年5月9日外围博彩平台学院计划开放宿舍. A new, four-floor co-educational dormitory at Warner Pacific College will be dedicated May 30, 1965. 这座建筑将以莉莲·奥德尔·史密斯的名字命名, 谁的家人最近捐了150美元,给大学捐了000英镑. 当时,这是外围博彩平台学院历史上最大的一笔捐款. 该设施容纳84名学生和两名住宿主管.
  • 1965年5月19日:劳埃德·E. 惠尔彻尔, professor of sociology at Warner Pacific College is one of 40 college professors selected throughout the nation to receive National Science Foundation scholarships for the study of anthropology. 奖学金包括750美元的现金补助,外加差旅费和其他相关费用. 教授. 惠尔彻尔 will attend the Summer Institute of Anthropology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The 10-week study for the college anthropologists will include the most important recent developments in the field and new teaching methods. Six weeks of the study will be devoted to different aspects of the anthropological subject matter.
  • 1965年6月6日: Governor Mark Hatfield was the commencement speaker for Warner Pacific College at the college’s twenty-seventh graduation exercises. Governor Hatfield was awarded an honorary doctor of humanities degree by the college at the same time. 31名学生获得学士学位.
  • 1965年7月4日: Dr. 肯尼斯·L. 交叉, 教会历史系主任, 获得了纽约大学的奖学金,今年夏天去以色列学习.
  • October 16, 1965: “Nearly 200 students attend WPC first ever school social” ——华纳世界新闻
  • 1965-66: The Cheer Team is known for their “pom-pom pass” to the music of On Wisconsin in the C.C. 佩里体育馆.
  • 1966: Dr. E. 乔·吉列姆被任命为WPC的第四任总裁,一直任职到1979年.
  • 1966当前位置:施拉特为林恩提供钢琴音乐系收到了施拉特夫人的主旨. 奥托F. 林的钢琴. 这份礼物是由奥巴马先生促成的. 和夫人. A.J. 华盛顿州西雅图市的schlater.
  • 1966:外围博彩平台男子篮球队赢得W冠军.C.C.C冠军.
  • 1966:加冕WPC的第一位返校节女王:卡罗尔·库肯德尔-沃尔特斯.
  • 1967克里斯多内一家在全国巡演,表演音乐和戏剧.
  • 1969年1月: New science building presently under construction is nearing completion and is expected to be ready for classes at the beginning of Spring term. 改良的科学实验室设施, 以及额外的教室, 将是外围博彩平台校园向前迈出的受欢迎的一步. ——华纳世界新闻
  • 1969旧主楼被拆除了. 当它被拆除时, students held a “funeral” for the stately old place wearing black armbands “in memorial.施拉特教堂现在就在那个地方附近.



  • 1970年4月23日克莱·迈耶斯, 俄勒冈州第19任国务卿, was the featured speaker at the joint regional Circle K and Kiwanis clubs banquet at Warner Pacific College. 我们的WPC音乐部提供娱乐和WPC合唱团.
  • 1975-76:毕业典礼演讲者罗伯特·E. 麦克奈尔开启了新学年
  • 1976年5月: President Gerald Ford gave the commencement address for Warner Pacific’s graduation ceremony.
  • 1975年2月11日至14日:帕特里夏·安·戈德曼, a legislative consultant in the nation’s capital visits WPC and speaks highly of the campus and its students.
  • 1976: Black Students of Warner Pacific College start the very first club: Several of the black students of Warner Pacific College have joined together and started the Concerned Black Students Club (C.B.S). Tim Akers who Co-founded the club says that “although the club is open to the 15 black students who attend WPC, 俱乐部愿意帮助任何需要帮助的人.”
  • 1975年10月7日Endre Granat(世界上最伟大的小提琴家)来到外围博彩平台学院.
  • 一九七九年十一月九日:英特尔给WPC电脑终端罗伯特Z. 威尔金森, 英特尔公司的区域销售协调员, 最近代表公司赠送了CRT终端. 终端是用于设计其他计算机系统的微型计算机系统的一部分. 英特尔公司生产用于微型计算机和存储元件的大规模集成电路.)去年, 比尔大厅, 在英特尔工作的WPC学生, approached General Manager Jim Landry about the possibility of the company donating a computer to the school. 兰德里给学校提供了一个对他们来说已经过时的系统. 在送礼物之前,兰德里被提升到另一个办公室. However, he was instrumental in making the arrangements for WPC to receive the computer terminal. The terminal will be used by business, mathematics, social sciences and lifelong recreation classes. The terminal is not only a computer itself but a device by which an operator can talk to a computer via telephone. A grant from Fred Meyer has enabled the business department to purchase additional equipment which will make it possible to connect the terminal with a central processing unit. This will make all the function of the computer available to WPC students, staff and faculty.
  • 一九七九年十一月八日: New Major Approved: The WPC faculty approved the Center for Human Services’ proposal to offer a major in Social Work.
  • 1979年11月30日:外围博彩平台学院的新机器销售营养. 这台机器为学生提供了非常健康的选择. 苹果、果汁、普通牛奶和巧克力牛奶、奶酪、饼干和酸奶.
  • 米洛L. 查普曼从1979年到1981年担任校长.


  • 1980年4月24日“华纳校园培养出了一种新型的瘾君子. 吸毒成瘾的时代已经过去,而食物成瘾的时代也只是勉强维持, 但视频狂热才刚刚外围博彩平台. 真正的电子游戏迷每天都玩. When asked if he ever feels like he ever spends too much, Keith Henry, an avid player says “Always. 但是钱有什么用呢?亨利说,“这是一种精神,是竞争的乐趣。. It’s man against machine, flesh against the components,据华纳世界新闻报道.
  • 1981年春季大学荣誉校友. 马歇尔K. 克里斯滕森在著名的WPC第五任主席就职典礼上. 克里斯滕森担任总裁直至1996年.
  • 1981年10月23日:行政大楼落成为A.F. 灰色的大厅
  • 1981-82: Planting an “Oak of Righteousness” tree on campus became part of the entering student welcome tradition.
  • 1981-82外围博彩平台被接纳为基督教学院联盟的成员.
  • 1981-82: Dr. 乔伊斯·埃里克森(Joyce Erickson)被任命为学院院长,接替李博士. 卢·福尔茨回到全职教学岗位.
  • 1982: WPC NCCAA排球第二区冠军.
  • 1984: 1983年WPC NCCAA地区篮球冠军.
  • 1984-85: Oregon’s Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) affirmed its certification of the teacher education program, 由Ed Whitehead教授指导.  该项目的教师和学生的素质得到了特别的赞扬.
  • 1985-86: 麦克和艾琳考德威尔奖被颁发给了前国会议员, 伊迪丝绿色, 表彰她对波特兰街头儿童的帮助.
  • 1985-86男子宿舍楼经过改造,更名为沃尔曼宿舍楼.
  • 1985-86: The men’s soccer team took the NAIA District II championship for the fourth year in a row.
  • 1986-86在低年级同学Walter Ghant的领导下, 学院将其中一间已婚学生公寓命名为“伯利恒旅馆”, 这是波特兰无家可归家庭的临时庇护所.
  • 1987-88该学院为在职成年人推出了一项学位完成计划, 以密歇根州春树学院的成功模式为基础.
  • 1987年10月: David schlater获得了第一笔1000美元的奖学金. 这群人后来被称为火炬手.
  • On 1988年8月6日:外围博彩平台学院与Amvic达成协议, a Japanese educational enterprise [later known as GEOS] to develop the potential of an Asian Cultural Center in Warner Pacific College academic program.
  • 1988年秋季: First Degree Completion Program business administration cohort is recruited and classes begin.
  • 1988-99:牧师. 格莱迪恩·卡尼被任命为教堂的院长
  • 1988-89Ed Whitehead被任命为学院院长. Arthur Kelly被任命为行政副总裁.
  • 1988-89: The Commission on Social Concerns of the Church of God conferred its “Institutional Award” on Warner Pacific College for its Bethlehem Inn program with homeless families.


  • 1990年10月25日施莱特纪念教堂举行奠基仪式.
  • 1990-91: Dr. Dwight Kimberly took portable biological lab equipment and programs into 27 Portland area schools.
  • 1990人文发展课程在学位完成课程中实施.
  • 1990-91: As a demonstration of its commitment to budget control and avoid further indebtedness, 董事会批准了项目重组和缩减, 包括取消校际运动.
  • 1990-91: Teacher Education expanded to include certification in elementary education as well as an early childhood education endorsement.
  • 1991: The board of Trustees approves a cooperative agreement with Mercy Corps International which links Warner Pacific with Christian community development programs and people around the world.
  • 1992-93: H.A. Schlatter Memorial Prayer Chapel was completed and dedicated during the West Coast Ministerial Assembly of the Church of God. 这是18年来校园里的第一座新建筑.
  • 1992-93: The Office of the Provost created for the purpose of unifying academic administration and the executive vice president.
  • 1994-95: Enrollment reached an historic high (692 students); tuition revenue reached an historic high ($4,250,000); new book acquisitions for the 图书馆 collection reached an historic high.
  • 1995-96在担任了3、5年的总裁之后. 克里斯滕森宣布他不会寻求连任. 在执政15年后, 他接受了东哈萨克斯坦国立大学教务长的任命, 乌斯, 哈萨克斯坦.
  • 解析:选A. 巴伯被任命为外围博彩平台学院的第六任校长. 他任职至2008年.
  • 1999: Bart Valentine returns to his alma mater to begin work on reestablishing athletics at Warner Pacific College.


  • 2004-05: The Degree Completion Program (DCP) changes its name to the Adult Degree Program (ADP).
  • 2005-06: WPC租用205中心作为额外的ADP办公空间和教室.
  • 2006-07: ADP develops its first graduate program (Masters in Management and Organizational Leadership).
  • 2007学院偿还其机构债务, 这是它70年历史上第一次, 完全没有债务.
  • 2008-09学院重组了学费和财政援助计划, resulting in a 23 percent reduction in the cost of tuition and fees for the 2008-09 academic year.
  • 2008-09: WPC起价为5美元.500万校园公共项目在学院的主校区.
  • 2008年5月巴伯总统宣布从WPC主席职位上退休, 他被任命为名誉校长,以表彰他对学院的重要贡献.
  • 2009年9月20日: Dr. 安德里亚·库克就任WPC第七任、也是第一位女性总裁.


  • 美国新闻 & 世界大学报告:2011年、2014年和2015年西部地区最佳大学
  • 2012-13:外围博彩平台学院将在2月的返校节庆祝建校75周年, 庆祝大学生活中超过3900万个时刻.
  • 2013: WPC获颁中华基督教会安德林加促进种族和谐奖.
  • 2014: Warner Pacific ranked 48th in the nation on the Washington Monthly’s Baccalaureate Colleges list.
  • 2014年秋季WPC迎来了最大的传统本科新生.
  • 2014-15: WPC reestablishes back men’s wrestling and is the first in the Cascade Collegiate Conference to start women’s wrestling.
  • 2014-15: WPC通过成人学位课程推出在线课程.
  • 2015: M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust awarded a $71,000 grant to establish an educational technology design lab.
  • 2018: Warner Pacific College changed its name to 外围博彩平台 to reflect the growth and development it experienced in the scope of programs offered.
  • 2018: The Oregon State Board of Nursing approved 外围博彩平台’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.
  • 2019: M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust awarded a $350,000 grant to 外围博彩平台’s Nursing Program.


  • 2020年8月1日: Dr. 布莱恩·L. Johnson becomes the eighth and first minority president in 外围博彩平台’s 83-year history.
  • 2023:美国.S. 教育部授予五年制, $3 million grant to further develop 外围博彩平台 as a Hispanic-serving institution.

